Visit to Securities And Exchange Board Of India ( SEBI)

On 27th October 2016, Management had organized an industrial visit for 33 students of 3rd semester (MBA and PGDM).We were accompanied by faculty Prof .Dr. V.B.  Padmanabhan. The visit was to THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (SEBI), Bangalore.

The visit started in the early hours of a working day by bus. All the students were so excited to go to SEBI and prepared questions.

It was an enlightening session at SEBI. Mr. Krishna Murthy briefed the students about investing at their young age. The significance is made on expenditure which has to be kept apart for saving.

Students got exposed to how capital market work in India and SEBI role in regulating and developing them. There major focus is on safe guarding investor.

He gave a brief idea about opening a Demat Account and vast revolution from outcry system to on-screen. He also introduced about ASBA (applications supported by blocked amount) which is a process developed by the India’s stock market regulator SEBI for applying to IPO.

In ASBA, an IPO applicants account doesn’t get debited until shares are allotted to the customers/investors.

It was a great learning experience for students as they look forward to implement the lesson learnt in their professional life.

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