Mr. David Heyman, former Asst. Sec for policy at U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and retired software engineer and Andie De Arment, visited ISBR on the 19th of March 2015 for a “Session on Cybersecurity and Internet of things” the event was conducted in association with Indo – American Chamber of Commerce.
During this session Mr.David Heyman discussed about the development of internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data and about the extraordinary potential of the Internet of Things but as every invention has a negative aspect attached to it he told about the negative aspect of Internet of things.
Everything that can be connected to the Internet can be hacked this is where cyber security plays a vital role. He also told about the barriers to their adoption, and how governments and businesses can navigate this new frontier, work together, and re-imagine and transform cities-and nations for tomorrow.
It was an interactive session where we had guests from other organizations as well to make the session more interesting and inspiring.