Q1. What is unique about ISBR?
An Institution should be a space for individual’s personal growth and extension of knowledge. Within this parameter, how good the institute is what to be seen? ISBR is marching towards becoming that ideal institution by creating the right human resource and space for the overall development of students and the faculty with an experience of over a quarter century (26 years). ISBR strives to create an atmosphere for identifying the potential of an individual and provide an eco system, with a value based foundation for students to excel and become corporate and social leader or entrepreneurs.
Q2. What is special about the courses offered?
There are many colleges offering MBA program having similar curriculum. What sets ISBR apart is the time tested, up-to-date curriculum relevant to current industry requirements that enables students to be placed in the bracket of among the finest work force in India. Here ‘finest’ implies in terms of value, relevance and usefulness of learning. Institution’s output is the input for the industry. To become a valued asset in corporate, the students shall have right competitiveness, competence and capability.
Competitiveness is to perform better than others to be ahead, competency is the capacity acquired through knowledge, experience and training and the capability is the skill to apply competency. Our formal and non formal education system ensure enhanced capabilities of the student so that he or she outperforms once enters the professional world and brings added value to the organisation.
To cater to this need, ISBR offers MBA/PGDM programs in various formats to suit the current and future industry trends. Our programs are University of Mysore, AICTE, Ministry of HRD and Government of India approved.
Q3. How is the faculty of ISBR?
We have an excellent faculty team which is among the best; many with PhD and all come with significant academic and industry experience. They actively engage in research and publish articles in reputed academic journals, also serve on editorial boards and hold leadership positions in professional organizations. They make students understand basic concepts and enable them to apply conceptual knowledge in real life situations through cases, projects and assignments. There is 60% learning and 40% teaching component. Their didactic style of teaching involves a large number of student-led discussions and engaged self learning by students.
Q4. What do students gain?
ISBR create space for development of students through physical infrastructure (campus, sports facility), intellectual infrastructure (faculty, library), technical infrastructure (software / hardware), and social infrastructure (industry connect). The strong connect with industry and Industry bodies allow structured flow of knowledge from industry to college. Apart from regular industrial visits and workshops, Industry academia collaboration, Star Invitee and Mentorship Programs facilitate overall development of social and life skills as well as sharpen the decision making skills of students. Thus, the students are at great comfort in realizing the potential, opportunities and facing challenges.
Q5. What are the advantages of Global PGDM Programs?
Today’s manager, to be successful must be globally competitive. It is important therefore to gain exposure of business environment in different geographies and eco – system. Global PGDM provides an opportunity of learning in more than one country, thus provide an opportunity to understand the life in different socio- economic environments. They not only learn the business dynamics but also understand the human values and culture in different settings. It also enables them to be more effective and efficient in multi-culture transnational organisations where greater opportunities are emerging.
Q6. What is there to look up to for MBAs beyond industry?
There is huge scope for MBAs to look beyond industry n become entre setting up staryops in new tech & service areas. There is ample support and assistance available for start-ups under cvarious scheme of state & central Govt n also industry bodies, CII, Fici, Asso, othares. Further they may also look at social sectors which are critical to overall growth of the economy.
Q7. What is ISBR’s research initiative?
ISBR research centre is by far the largest among the research centres of the University of Mysore outside Manas Gangotri. ISBR research scholars come from academia and industry. They are working on a wide range of issues and topics of relevance to management, business and all sectors of economy. The output generated through the research initiative is adding to the knowledge of a variety of fields including emerging practices in HRM, the dynamics of markets and marketing, disruptions in technology through innovations, challenges of new age economy, entrepreneurship, decision sciences, matters of governance and international business environment. The ISBR Research Team is on constant look out for discovery, towards finding solutions to emerging challenges in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world.
Q8. Tell us something about ISBR culture?
Every individual has a subtle desire to become independent and be a value to society in some stage or the other. Earlier it happens is better. What needed is to trigger the desire in that individual to break the cell and move into a phase of metamorphosis. They bloom into becoming an entrepreneurs and social leaders. Innovation is to be nurtured and accomplishments must be cherished. Our culture respect an individual’s potential and help them to nurture. ISBR culture and values are reflected in the epitome of its logo. The positive environment at ISBR incubates young managers to ideate, innovate and rise to new heights in their career and life.
As we have national and international students from various geographic locations, we respect all cultures and celebrate them with vigour.
Q8. What do you say about student-faculty relationship?
Student- faculty relationship goes beyond teaching and learning. There is a long lasting relationship of mentor- mentee, built for life in most of the cases. Faculty is always accessible and are dedicated to student’s grooming and development.
Q9. How does alumni interaction is encouraged at ISBR?
Alumni are important stake holders of ISBR family. They carry forward the values and leadership qualities from institution to corporate and to the rest of the world. What they bring back to the institution is equally important and relevant. Alumni return to campus as resource persons, as recruiters and as researchers. They bear the flag of ISBR as a mark of quality, growth and progress. Many of them are acknowledged for their contribution by their employers and they are recognised as ‘Gems Of ISBR’. Besides, there is a constant interaction through physical participation and social media.
Q10. Could you please brief us about the placements at ISBR?
Placements at ISBR are excellent. Majority of students get placed in their chosen fields of specialization, in their preferred sectors and domains of industry. Packages are above industry average. ‘ Campus to Corporate’ the unique project at ISBR not only provides students a unique opportunity to gain exposure to career insights but also empowers them to find and make a right choice through a self initiated process of connecting to industry.
Q11. What is beyond academics at ISBR?
The life at ISBR leaves lasting impression on student’s life. Beyond academics, students are also involved with a lot of CSR activities, social service, governance and rural development. We recognize the contribution made by women, teachers, entrepreneurs, social leaders, soldiers and their families. ISBR, along with industry bodies has instituted special Awards- ‘Abhinandana’ to recognize women achievers in different walks of life. The story of successful people in different walks of life inspires younger generation.
Q12. How ISBR is promoting CSR culture and what CSR activities have been taken up by students recently?
ISBR students have ample opportunities to engage and explore CSR activities. Among such areas are environment, green projects, rural development, education and the like. Active engagement initiatives such as Swachh Bharat, Stand up India, Digital India, TOI Teach India, Tree plantation, health campaign, Social Awareness campaign, pollution control, corruption free India, Awareness on go cashless for small companies and vendors are among them. ISBR undertook a special project along with RCC ( Rajasthan Community Centre) and donated uniforms to 10,000 needy students from government schools with participation from ELCIA (Electronics City Industries Association).
Q14. Could you please explain the tag line “Real World Real Learning”?
“If your knowledge is not relevant to the real world, it is not real learning. So make it relevant”
At ISBR we expose students to the corporate world through formal and non formal education so that they get hands-on experience to organisation’s systems and processes. Here, they transform from latent ‘potential’ into ‘real’. As the gold would have passed through hard drilling, crushing, smelting to finally becoming precious gold, students transform through the process of vigorous training, coaching and mentoring, with dedication and hard work, to becoming fine human beings and then effective managers! Thus they discover, emerge and rise, to the REAL WORLD through REAL LEARNING.