Sweden India Noble Memorial Week 2012, Bengaluru

Today It was a wonderful day with Sweden India in their one day workshop named as  SWEDEN INDIA NOBEL MEMORIAL WEEK  on the topic of  ‘ Education , innovation , Entrepreneurship & research  at Hotel Lalit Ashok , Golf Course road , Bengaluru .we had overwhelmed experience in seminar. The program had begun at 10.30 am with a beautiful introduction  of  Sweden, Swedish people and there wonderful culture , followed by presentation on Sweden’s education system, later on seminar was given by SWEDEN’S KTH UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR DONNIE SC LYGONY ON TOPIC OF INNOVATION IN BUSINESS, various business plans were presented by students of different universities of Karnataka. Finally panel discussion was held by professors ‘of top 7 Swedish universities on ideas of entrepreneurs and closed.

Seminar was all about the innovation in business. We learned all about the cross culture business between Sweden & India.

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