Dr. Raja Sankaran (PhD IIM-Ranchi) is a Professor at CMS Business School, Jain, Bengaluru teaching Research Methodology and various subjects in Marketing Management. Earlier he was a Professor at ISME, Bengaluru and Alliance University, Bengaluru teaching subjects in Marketing Management, International Business and Business Research Methods.
He has over 30 years of industry experience and teaching experience. He has held management positions with multinational companies in service delivery roles before moving to academics. In CSC, he was posted in the UK in the role of Account Lead and General Manager. He has implemented three six-sigma projects resulting in account savings and improved service delivery for National Grid, UK account. In NIIT, he has conducted 100+ corporate training in Enterprise Management in 30+ countries worldwide (USA, Asia Pacific, African countries), and was posted in Australia. He has also conducted training at Microsoft, Dallas (USA) and Seoul, South Korea.
•Dr. Raja is also a member of American Psychological Association (APA).
•He has published research papers in ABDC journals, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerald and Taylor & Francis journals. He has been awarded “Best Research Paper – Winner” for the research paper presented at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) International Research Conference, Mumbai.
•Dr. Raja has conducted various Trainings & FDPs on
a) Workshop on Reliability & Validity
(b) A Guide to Publishing Research Papers
(c) Overview of Quantitative Research
(d) Meet the Mendeley Advisor
(e) Managing References and Citations with Mendeley
(f) What they don’t teach you in a PhD
(g) CMB using marker variable
(h) Rigour in Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
(i) Rigour in Qualitative Research
•His research interests are in the area of mobile technology, Consumer Behavior, Service Marketing, Brand Equity, Qualitative Techniques (Means-End Chain, Laddering), Quantitative Techniques (Structural Equation Modeling), SLR, meta-analysis and Cryptocurrency.
● “A Research Journey” program commenced on 22nd May 2022. The session has been scheduled for 45 hours and the course work sessions were dealt by Dr. Raja Sankaran, Professor and Ph.D. from IIM -Ranchi. He neatly covered the University of Mysore syllabus – Coursework Ph.D 2022 and also held special sessions on SPSS and he ran 9 hours of sesssion imparting profound knowledge on ‘Literature Review’.
Learning’s from the event:
The sessions were held on “A Research Journey, Ph.D 2022 Course work Sessions” by Dr. Raja Sankar. He has covered the University of Mysore Syllabus on “Research Methodology” in a profound way. He also held a special session on Literature Review for 9 hours and certain sessions were dealt on ‘Developing a Plan for a Research Project /Thesis, Listing out Various Components of a Research Proposal, Literature Review, Live writing at least 2 reviews pertaining to concerned scholar’s research area and Dr. Raja Sankar has also covered his course work session on How to write a research proposal for a Ph.D. thesis.
Feedback from scholars: Scholars were very happy and it was inspiring information about Research, Research Proposal, Framework for a Research Proposal, Components of Research Proposal etc and an interactive session on Research Made Easy –Writing a Proposal for Thesis.
About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations