ISBR Group of Institutions, established under Bangalore Educational Trust, in the year 1990 is a conglomerate of educational institutions of repute. The academic units established under Bangalore Education Trust aim to further higher education providing the best of academic infrastructure to students and all its stake holders. The leadership at ISBR thrives hard to create an atmosphere wherein, both students and faculty can pursue boundless knowledge.
At ISBR, we aim to promote experiential learning through a perfect blend of theory and practice to present a better
understanding about oneself and the world around. Education at ISBR prepares its students to think boldly and act confidently, whatsoever may be the chosen field of profession, and we aim to prepare students by ingraining in them skills or life.

To create and nurture an environment that kindles learning and inspires to build a career, a society,
a nation.

Our logo postulates character and capacity-building through integrity, realizing supremacy of self to enjoy the beauty of Life, enriched by rays of hope. ISBR logo symbolizes its core values, it is an epitome of the rising Sun.
Rising Sun! Is there one? If we believe the Earth revolves around the Sun, then there’s no sunrise or sunset. A sunset
in one place is simultaneously a sunrise somewhere else. Constant evolution, continuous movement forward, resulting
in progress—this is the only truth!
The central crust, in deep red, is iconic of human values— trust and faith, and the source of eternal energy. Around this
is the white space, representing truth and transparency, the shining face of life, bright and bold. The outer golden yellow crescent reflects value transformation, from latent ‘potential’ into ‘real’. As the gold would have passed through hard drilling, crushing, and smelting to finally become precious gold, students transform through the process of vigorous training, coaching and mentoring, with dedication and hard work, to becoming fine human beings and then effective managers. The beaming rays around the crescent reflect the facets and tenets of skills and knowledge, with non-linear waves, assuring freedom and flexibility for self-expression. The risen and revealed sun (through stimulate-understand nurture cycle) is what is evolved, but what’s beneath and down under is more important and precious, deep inside for the individual to discover, emerge and rise to the REAL WORLD through REAL LEARNING.