Title: Adapting the new norm – Unlearn and Relearn

The year 2020 has brought drastic changes in the way of living not just in individual lives but also for Businesses. The impact of the COVID-19 is experienced by all Businesses around the world. Leaders are navigating a broad range of interrelated issues that span from keeping their employees and customer safe, shoring up cash and liquidity, reorienting operations, and navigating complicated government support programs. ISBR conducted the second edition of Business Conclave to understand the impact of COVID -19 in the Business world and how Organisations are adapting to the new norm, the event was conducted on 28th December 2020 on the virtual platform Zoom.

Esteemed Guests for the event:

  • Mr. Kasturi Venkatesh – Director, Customer experience (CX) at Cisco Systems India (Pvt) Ltd
  • Mr. Laxminarayanan G – Management Consultant, Artificial Intelligence

The session began with the panelists highlighting the importance of learning, relearning, and unlearning new things in order to adapt to the changes due to the pandemic.

The various topics and questions that were addressed in the panel discussion include:

The emerging roles and skills in IT and related sector which needs to be inculcated for better employability


  • Technical Skills/ Foundational Skills such Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
  • The capability of better Knowledge Application
  • Soft Skills
  • Being updated about the current happenings in the Industry

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