Case Analysis Workshop

TheCase Method is a powerful teaching approach “   that COmbines academic theory with practical application. Business    decision-making is often marked b    ambiguity, uncertainty, and limited

information. Case studies bring real management actions into the classroom where learners are exposed to a thought-provoking business decision-making environment. In view of this, ISBR Bangalore organized a Case AnalysiS workshop for the MBA and PGDM students on Sth and 12th of August 2017 by Prof. P.K. Thomas.

The primary goal of the workshop was to introduce the processes of case analysis and inspire participants to use more cases in the learning process. The workshop also focused on practical sessions which helped the students to sort out and analyze data presented in the given case, consider relevant theory, draw conclusions, and present solutions. The session was quite interactive where each participant was given a copy of the Harvard Business School case on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Various student groups presented their analysis and later, the facilitator discussed the way it should be seen and presented.

About ISBR

ISBR Business School, Bangalore based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best Best Industry Institute interaction school in India, AiCTE- CII approved Platinum Category, with multiple specializations.

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