
Connexion is when you get the golden chance to meet new faces to make genuine connections and bonds that lasts forever. Similar was a chance given to the students if ISBR who were rather more than privileged to meet and interact with few of the students from Washington University. I too took an active part to keep that CONNEXION flow throughout. Interactions with ‘DAVID FANTHOM’ or my Connexion buddy rather was superfluous, d revoking spirit of the chit-chat did not die till the end of the session and as it is I knew I had to keep the interaction flowing I didn’t feel a single bit that I am meeting my buddy for the first time so it was more of a casual conversation. The welcome was done somewhat in an Indian style by sprinkling flowers and the ‘Thali ‘prayer for one and all with a ‘Tikka’ on their foreheads that gave them more of an Anglo-Indian look.  Both experiences of the two parties were then shared at the podium and it was great to know their likings for India. Especially when the two parties stood up for both the Indian and the Washington anthem altogether I personally felt like “ONE BROTHERHOOD, ONE NATION” just a little difference on the attire and flow of accent however we all are from the same world ‘The Mother Earth’ so be it today or tomorrow we will have to stand for them and they will have to stand for us. That is what the motto of CONNEXION was all about and we are to live with it.

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