Digital Analytics by Mr. Yogesh Chandraiah.

Sources say, “There are nearly as many pieces of digital information as there are stars in the universe.” This proves that there are enormous data which are available digitally to be analysed for better understanding. It is essential for us to know about the digital analytics. On October 3rd and 4th 2020 we organized a 2-day workshop on Digital Analytics by Mr. Yogesh Chandraiah. If we are interested in marketing and business analytics this workshop would have been a boon to us. Yes, it focused on digital analytics using google analytics and social media marketing.There were various topics covered in the 10 hours of workshop Mr. Yogesh trained students in blog writing via, Google Analytics, Google Ad Words and ad posting. Measuring the trend using google analytics was an important part of training. Marketing on various platforms like Email marketing using MailChimp,Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook were taught. Store creation in Shopify, Facebook ad. creation was also a part of training and analysis of SEO was also taught. All were provided with a demo account of analytics to get better understanding of it. Finally, the Q&A session clarified the doubts of students and kudos to one of the informative sessions.

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