Diwali Celebration at ISBR

Diwali is celebrated on October 18th,2014 at ISBR B-school. The students are asked to where the ethinic wear in order to create the festival environment. Different events are conducted to students such as rangoli and hair dressing competitions.To be different and funny the rangoli is conducted to boys.Everyone gave their best in it.Even it became difficult to judges to select one among them.

Girls are asked to bring five different kind of hair accessories for hair dressing competition.For a change,boys are called to do hair dressing for girls.It was really a funny event which everyone enjoyed.After completion of the event girls arranged the diyas which symbolizes deepavali.Later,all the students fired some crakers.It was an awesome event to celebrate the festival with friends.This is one of the most memorable deepavali for most of us.

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