ELCITA’s ESG & “Net-Zero” Initiative – Stakeholders Engagement

An interactive session was held by ELCITA members on 8 th August 2020 at Hotel Oterra, Electronics City. Dr Manish Kothari, Managing Director, ISBR Group of Institutions and Dr Sheetal Mahendher, Professor and Research Chair, ISBR Business School participated in this meet.
The meeting was held to discuss steps to be taken to achieve “Net-Zero” township for Electronics City. Various speakers brought out initiatives taken to implement an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) system for ELCITA covering all its operations. 
The goal for the Electronics City Township is to achieve “Net-Zero” with respect to emissions.   This would include ELCITA’S direct operations and the environmental aspects of member companies and Institutions.  The idea is to set a goal to become “Net Zero” and strategize and work on a plan to achieve the same over the next 5 – 7 years as applicable. The ideas shared were to achieve Integrated water Management, zero waste to land fill, carbon neutrality, participative E Governance, class security with involvement of stakeholders, mass public transport and ESG reporting.
Towards realizing this vision, partners namely DNV and Treeni Software Systems have been appointed recently.   While DNV will provide consultancy to implement the system, Treeni Software Systems will be technology partners who will install their software program called “Resustain” for this purpose. This software will help in analyzing the data throughout the sustainability journey. Diversity and Inclusion is also a part of this reporting. Dashboards will
be created to help every participating member to visualize the report. The meeting ended with snacks and dinner.

About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations

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