Exploring Financial Well-being Beyond Paychecks: Prof. Anand Agrawal at HR Katalyst 2.0

In the ever-evolving landscape of human resources, discussions about employee well-being have become increasingly vital. Beyond the conventional realms of salary and benefits, the focus has shifted towards holistic financial well-being. Prof. Anand Agrawal, the Executive Director of ISBR Business School, recently took on the role of the moderator at the HR Katalyst 2.0, leading a panel discussion on the intriguing topic of “Financial Well-being for Employees Beyond Just a Paycheck.”The panel featured prominent industry leaders, each bringing a unique perspective to the discussion. Poornima Kammath, Head of People and Culture at Fi Money, and Aseem Siddu, National Head of CX & Ops at Chai Point, shared their insights and experiences, contributing to a comprehensive exploration of financial well-being in the workplace.

Prof. Agrawal initiated the discussion by delving into the concept of financial well-being beyond the traditional paycheck. The panellists emphasized the need to consider a broader spectrum of financial aspects that impact employees, such as savings, investments, and long-term financial planning.
The panel also delved into the impact of technology on financial well-being. With the rise of digital platforms, employees have easier access to financial tools and resources. The speakers discussed how technology can be harnessed to provide personalized financial advice and support. Prof. Agrawal led the conversation on identifying key performance indicators and metrics that can effectively gauge the success of such programs.

The session moderated by Prof. Anand Agrawal at HR Katalyst 2.0 provided a comprehensive exploration of financial well-being for employees, transcending the conventional focus on paychecks. As the workplace continues to evolve, discussions like these are crucial in shaping a holistic and sustainable approach to employee well-being. Prof. Agrawal’s role as a moderator facilitated a dynamic and insightful conversation that will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing discourse on enhancing financial well-being in the corporate world.

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