FDP on Basic, Advance Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS

It is our pleasure to announce that the two day FDP on the topic “Basic & Advance Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS,” was held on 11th March and 12th March 2022. The program was hosted online. The event counted with participation of Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Dr. Sheetal Mahendher, Dr. Jhansi Rani and other faculties of ISBR business school along with the 20 plus participants from various institutes. The event started with an introduction by Dr. Jhansi Rani of ISBR. After that, the presentation was delivered by Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan on the topic of “Basic & Advance Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS “. The main focus of these presentations was to outline the nuances of AMOS. Some of the most important information discussed in the presentations of this event is summarized below.
 Constructs and Items were defined
 Confirmatory factory analysis (CFA) was discussed
 Types of SEM were discussed.
 Differences between Covariance based SEM and Partial least square based
SEM were defined.
 Reflective scales versus formative index were discussed.
 Types of construct such Exogenous, Endogenous, Mediating and moderating were explained to the participants.
 Points such as, Zero order constructs applicable in AMOS but not in PLS were mentioned.
 Difference between EFA and CFA explained.
 Validity issues were discussed.
 How to check the validity of a questionnaire, when we should apply SEM and hypothesis formation was taught.
 Arrows in SEM were discussed.
 Computation of construct scores CMB and Higher order CFA were covered
 Usage of mediation and moderation were discussed.
 Path analysis was defined.
 Finally, participant’s doubts were cleared and important files and PPTs were shared with the participants.

At the end of the session vote of thanks was given by Dr. Sheetal Mahendher. It is our pleasure to acknowledge the speaker of the event Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan for the outstanding work and high quality of his presentations on Basic & Advance Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS.

About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations

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