Find Your Right Place with TEDxISBR Bangalore

TedxISBRBangalore, Ted Talk, Tedx

Imagine a day filled with brilliant speakers, thought-provoking video, and mind-blowing conversation.

TEDxISBRBangalore event is the youngest Tedx event, where India’s most inspired thinkers and curious souls will come together to connect with ideas and knowledge, which will expand your horizons of knowledge.

The diversity of topics and the impressive line-up of amazing speakers will help you ‘Find Your Right Place’ at the end of the sessions, on 10 March 2018.

So, what is TEDxISBRBangalore?

We live in a world where there’s a deluge of information and to your surprise, you’re communicating at a pace rapider than you ever thought. So what does this tell you? Are you open to the huge influx of new information you’re being bombarded with? Are you dynamic? Are you connected? It is rightly quoted by Charles Morgan, ‘as knowledge increases, wonder deepens’. We firmly believe in the power of wisdom and ideas and hence, TEDxISBRBangalore is a place where many curious souls, knowledge-bound individuals, enthusiastic ideators, and thinkers will come and engage you in soul-stirring ideas and insights. This event is designed for those who question life, who are inquisitive souls and who want to know ‘why is the why the way it is’! The content and design of each TEDxISBRBangalore session is unique and developed independently, but all of them have one feature in common: ingenuity.

What will be the format like?

TEDxISBRBangalore will be a suite of short, carefully prepared talks, demonstrations and performances that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects to foster learning, inspiration, and wonder – and provoke conversations that matter.

The Game-changers aka The Speakers

At TEDxISBRBangalore, we have presenters who will inform and inspire, surprise and delight. They are trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These speakers are not the run of the mill people. They’re thinkers, doers and essentially, idea-generators from different fields. Let’s meet them.

Anupam Nair -Bollywood Singer

Anupam Nair is a Dubai based HR-professional-turned-Bollywood-singer. He also headed the Bollywood Theme Park in Dubai before turning into a full-time singer.

Arun Varma- Founder of BBQ Ride India

Arun is a youthful 23-year-old “foodiepreneur” who started a food bike at the age of 20 and today, is the proud owner of a franchise of 32 food bikes under the name: BBQ Ride India & internationally as well.

Deepak Justin – Motivational speaker and life coach

Deepak Justin, or more famously known as DJ by the Bangalore crowd, is a very well-known Toastmasters Champion of District 92 and a Motivational Speaker who has delivered 1000+ motivational talks to diverse audiences.

Dheeraj Kolla – Micro Artist specializing in Pencil Art

Dheeraj is a micro-artist from Hyderabad who has pioneered the art of pencil carving with his utmost dedication and hard work.

Issac Kehimkar– Chairman and Director of iNaturewatch Foundation

Issac, touted as the ‘Butterfly Man of India’, has captured the photos of extraordinary butterflies from across the country and also penned the book, ‘Butterflies of India’.

Pramod Siddagangaiah – Founder of LiveGreen India

Pramod is a researcher from IISc Bangalore, who created Apah Clay bottles for a superior and sustainable future and as a low-cost alternative to plastic bottles.

Vahbiz Bharucha – Ex-Captain of Indian Women’s Rugby Team

Vahbiz was the ex-captain of the Indian Women Rugby Team and is currently the captain of the Maharashtra Women Rugby Team.

Yathaarth Murthy – 12-Year-old “Anthemologist”

Yathaarth Murthy is a toddler possessing brilliant intelligence. He can sing 155 National Anthems and has mastered them all in the span of 3 years! Yathaarth is now gunning for the Guinness World Record.

2 major reasons to attend TEDxISBRBangalore

  1. You’re surrounded by accomplished people: TEDx attendees are diverse, engaging and intelligent.
  2. You’ll become a better person: While TEDx talks fall under one event theme, they differ in subject matter considerably, making the breadth of knowledge shared truly powerful.

Intrigued enough? Prepare to have your mind blown at the TEDxISBRBangalore, where these talent houses will deliver highly-polished and succinct speeches which will inspire, challenge, be thought-provoking and, in some cases, will evoke awe and wonder!

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