Rajat Rashmi is an internationally trained trainer and coach. She is a qualified CA with 18+ years of work experience. She is the founder and director of “Samvad” – the leadership dialogues lip. Her experiences include exposure to consulting, NGO, teaching and writing.
Abstract: To identify and understand the key areas of goal setting and to understand how to set goals as a leader and help others to do the same. Obstacles in goal setting and overcoming them.
Flow of event: The workshop began with understanding the concept of goal and goal setting. We then worked on individual SWOT Analysis and how to assess ourselves. We got exposure to broad categories of goals and also the golden steps to achieve our goals and the 4 rules of goals.
Learnings from the event: GOAL: The purpose towards which an endeavor is diverted, an end, an objective.
GOAL SETTING: The process of deciding what to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve the result you desire.
Working on our SWOT analysis
Strengths- • Identifying our strengths- Education, Interpersonal skills, Presentation, Cognitive thinking, Empowerment, Family, Passion, etc.
Weaknesses- • Overcoming our weaknesses- Time management, fear, stresses, lack of self- confidence, confusion, influence by others.
Opportunities- • Grabbing the best possible opportunities
Threats- • Ignoring and avoiding threats, especially your weaknesses
The broad categories our goals are classified into-
• Personal/ Family
• Career/ Professional
•Self improvement
The 4 Rules of Goals:
1. Congruence
2. It should be difficult but not unachievable.
3. It can be tangible or intangible.
4. It can be short termed (3-6 months) or long termed (2-5 years).
The Golden Steps to achieve our goals:
1. An intense burning desire. 2. Believe in BE, DO,
HAVE. 3. Believe in yourself.
4. Reasons to achieve your goal.
5. Analysis of your current position in your baseline.
6. Obstacles coming on your way.
7. Setting a deadline.
8. Additional skills needed to develop. (For ex. Leadership skills, organizing skills, linguistic attraction, etc.)
9. Identifying whose help, you need.
10.The PERT analysis.
11. Visualize and be determined.
Feedback from students: We learnt how to set and try to achieve our goals better than ever. We came across a simple and effective goal setting framework. We also learnt how to define our goals better and create an action plan.
About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations