Advancement in technology with rising digitization of life has led to a high velocity of change in the way we work. Advent of new digital technologies has given greater autonomy of interconnectedness to people that they did not have earlier in traditional work settings. It has opened new landscapes to experience learning beyond regular mediums. Here the attempt to make professional learning more experiential and interesting is at the forefront of global work culture.

Evolving technology is in fact reshaping everything in our lives including our careers in a positive way. However it is a general belief that the growth in technology revolution is impacting the job market which is not fully true. For example, artificial intelligence it is thought may replace humans with machines for some jobs. But contrary to public perception it is creating demand for new positions. Likewise, with the advent and growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), technology is becoming part of nearly every job. But here again, experts believe that this emerging trend is certainly going to create new hybrid job positions in future. Automation and advanced technology are helping many businesses streamline their operations. However, at the same time it is also giving organizations more time to focus on improving productivity and enhancing innovation for improving customer satisfaction instead. So, technology is helping in both ways – new job creation as well as business process engineering.

Job worries on account of technological advances are not new phenomenon. During the Industrial Revolution from 18th to 19th century, development of special machineries was perceived as major threat to several contemporary jobs. Industrialization marked a paradigm shift in iron and textile industries during those days. The development of steam engine improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. Some of the jobs even became redundant on account of this progress. But at the same time technological advancements also opened up new job opportunities and improved our lives.

Technology today is reshaping many industry sectors. Research in advanced technologies such as Robotics (automation technology), Big Data, 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) are already working on exploring potential benefits of improving quality of our lives. Some of the industries that are experiencing big changes include Construction, Retail, and Healthcare etc.

According to a briefing note prepared by Mckinsey Global Institute for the Fortune Vatican Forum December 2016,  “Digital technologies are creating major new opportunities for workers and companies, in both advanced and developing economies, but there are significant variations within and across countries and sectors. Rapid technology adoption can unlock huge economic value, even as it implies major need for retraining and redeployment of labor. In India, for example, digital technologies provide the foundation for many innovations that could contribute $550 billion to $1 trillion of economic impact per year in 2025. However, the value of digitization that is captured depends on how many people and business have access to it.”

How Technology is Changing The Way We Work

Changes in technology are not just reshaping economies and industries but in fact the whole workplace itself. Some of these new changes at workplace have created opportunities to form virtual collaborations for doing business, ease in making digital payments, and evolution of concepts such as work from home etc. Digital technologies are reshaping organizations by providing efficient business solutions.

Due to rapid advancement in technology the workplace has extended to anywhere and everywhere. We can continue working through smart phones and laptops even while travelling. Revolution in Information Communication Technology (ICT) has made it possible to constantly remain in touch and be available anytime anywhere. Advancements in technology have created a constantly connected workforce. E-mail has brought a paradigm change in the way intra and inter-office communication takes place. It has made a profound impact on modern communication by reducing cost and increasing speed. Collaborative technologies such as cloud computing, VOIP, Skype, video conferencing etc. and even new messaging technologies such as WhatsApp are further enhancing communication to a global scale.

In conclusion it can be said that technology has brought many dramatic changes in our whole working; be it at home or outside. The office environment has completely changed allowing business operations to run smoothly. The influx of new technologies has improved our general lives. However, the importance of human involvement at various levels cannot be ruled out. Even today, for developing innovative technologies and driving it forward, human intervention has to be at the forefront.


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