ISBR Business school launched its first batch of Fellow Program in Management (FPM) on 07tH November 2020 on a virtual platform between 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. The FPM course, or the Fellow Program in Management, is a 3-year long doctoral course in the various specializations of management. An ideal doctoral degree for scholars who wish to pursue managerial roles or pursue an academic career in the future.

With the rapid expansion of management education in India, it has become inevitable that top business schools cater to the need of the faculty by producing excellent researchers, academicians, and practitioners.

And amongst the top Institutes of management in the country that provide this course, our esteemed institute, ISBR Business School, has the opportunity to launch this FPM program this year 2020 with a glorious path laid ahead for all the scholars. Glad to disclose that, ISBR launched a total team of all 20 scholars out 20 successfully. This is an indication of ISBR’s incredible performance as a highly ranked institute.

The utmost value of the course would be understanding the need and significance of various pedagogical tools used in management education, to master the relevant methodology and tools of management research. It would also pave a path to think critically, reflect originally and contribute to the body of management thought.

The goal is to develop academicians with the ability to communicate effectively and develop researchers with high ethical standards in research work.

The program was launched by esteemed dignitaries. The program started with a welcome address by Dr. K Anandaram, Sr. Director, ISBR Business School. Dr. Y Lakshman Kumar, Director – Academics and Research created a profound awareness about the FPM program to all the scholars who attended the inaugural program.

Following Dr. YLK’s address, Prof. B. Raja Shekhar, Chief Guest &Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad delivered his valuable speech on ethical aspects of research and he also narrated clearly defined ways to pursue and complete the doctoral degree successfully. Following that, an eloquent speech delivered on research practices by Dr. Geetha, Guest of Honor &HOD of Management studies, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management.

Next to that, Mr. Manish Kothari, Managing Director, ISBR Group of Institutions delivered his presidential address highlighting the significance of inquisitiveness and its role in pursuing a doctoral degree. And the session got concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. M R Jhansi Rani, Dy. Director, ISBR Business school.

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