Independence Day…

This day brings back nostalgic memories to all of us.They are moments of sheer magic when a nation held in bondage for centuries breaks free from the shackles of foreign rule.The country that suffered slavery is the very country that has been admired by many in the west.We need to be proud of our legacy.Albert Einstein has said of India,”We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”.

Let us all stand tall and raise our heads

Let us all take pride in our motherland

Many people have lost their lives to free

Our motherland from the grip of enemy

You and I could be the ones to lead

The pride of our country in every field

So on this 68 years of freedom

Let us all raise our voice and sing aloud

Indians Indians we are Indians…

Raise your voice and say we are Indians

Take some pride and say we are Indians…


Mother India…

Mother India is the national personification of India as a mother goddess.She nurtures us,protects us and sees to our holistic development.The air we breathe,the water we drink,the grains we eat,the shelter and refuge we take,all these are her loving gifts to us,her beloved children.Many poets have literally personified Mother India as a strong and dynamic holy figure with quite some literary flare…

She,whose flocks of Jammu&Kashmir flutter in the breeze.

Whose crown of the Himalayas shimmers as the roof of the whole world.

Whose robust arms of Gujarat and Bengal swing in her graceful gait.

Whose bosom of Madhya Pradesh swells with pride and confidence.

Whose veins are aflow with the holy waters of the Ganga,Yamuna and Saraswati.

Whose holy feet of Kerala are continuously washed by the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.

Ant to whom the sun and the moon offer their aarti day and night.

O Bharat Mata ! I offer my humble prostrations…


Guests of the Day…



Running Harish Enterprises

Chairman of FKCCI

“Just bash on regardless with your life and career. Just make us all proud of you.”



Senior Accountant Dream World India



Education Consultant

Message of Dr. Abdul Kalam :-

“Students should dream

Dream should become vision

Vision should become reality”



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