International Guest Speakers @ ISBR B School


ISBR Business School has always strived to be a differentiator in the field of Education, by providing a platform where students get professionally groomed by Business Experts, thereby not just being confined to the book. In continuation to this Legacy, the International Guest Lecture Series for the students was organised on 15th February 2017. The aura of the Auditorium was filled with the Effervescence of the experience of distinguished speakers.

Mr. Rolf Foster Jorgensen is the President of Optimire Consulting and Training Inc. and has served as Independent Consultant and Professional Training Facilitator for 30+ years to various clients like IBM, Cisco and Chrysler, to name a few. He has recognised as the Top Facilitation Partner of the Year by Bi Worldwide. He has also earned several leadership recognition awards on projects with Chrysler, Navistar, Amoco and US Airways. He has also been the Instructional Design Lead for Online Sales and Customer Service Training with Ford, Volvo, Infiniti and Monaco Coach, etc.

In this Interactive Session, he laid emphasis on the various Consultative Roles required in any Job Title – Innovator, Problem Solver, Advisor, Change Agent and Artful Persuader. He focused on being a differentiator by thinking out of the box. He laid emphasis on the concept of SHARE – Speculative Hypothesize Analyse Reflect and Evaluate, by avoiding Manipulative Contractions, Leading Questions and Quickly Following an Open Question with a Closed Question.

Takeaway: In this Interactive Session, Students who aspire to become Managers gained an insight of the various Do’s and Don’ts to be followed during Job Interviews. They also learnt the art of diplomatically keeping the Window of Communication, Open. Students learnt how to match the expectations of the other person, thereby, making these skills as the Second Nature. The Question-Answer session cleared the fumes of Doubt from the minds of aspiring future managers.

Mr. Glenn Dietzel is an Internationally Recognized Thought Leader and Business Acceleration Strategist. Glenn has created a revolutionary business approach to creating, selling and scaling the value of an advice, quickly and easily. His high-velocity growth strategies are used by business leaders globally, thereby allowing them to command maximum fees and royalties. He has been recognized as the Best Speaker by Internet Austars in Brisbane, Australia. He’s also been awarded with the Entrepreneur of the Year Award by The Winner’s Circle in 2011.

In his session, he focused on the 7 Secrets to move up the Ladder of Success. First secret he unravelled was ‘Return On Invested Time (ROIT)’, where the Goal is to create more time for the Company. Second, ‘Law Of Quantum Growth’, where the focus is being the Differentiator. Third, ‘Move from Goal Approach to Systems Approach’ by focusing on maximizing the output by focusing on the Input. Fourth, ‘Seams of Success’. Fifth secret is ‘Maximizing the Financial Power’ by looking at the problems of the company and taking steps to rectify it. Sixth secret being ‘Analyzing the advice which you give’ and seventh being ‘Staying Committed with Mentors for Business Acceleration’.

Takeaway: Students learnt the ways to unravel the Secrets of Success. To become an Expert, 10,000 Hour Rule is followed. However, students gained the Importance of these 7 Secrets and became self-aware regarding the same. This gave them an insight to cheat the 10,000 Hour Rule by Focusing on these 7 Secrets.

 Mr. Adrain Reid is a private trader, as well as the Founder and Trading Coach at Enlightened Stock Trading ( which is dedicated to educating and supporting traders on their journey to profitable systems trading. 

The goal is to help them achieve financial freedom and ideal lifestyle sooner by building their trading system which suits their objectives, personality and ideal lifestyle. He also offers substantial support on trading systems, coaching and education.

In this Interactive Session, he focused on the objective of making money faster. For this, he laid down 5 basic rules – Finding the Right Approach for the Lifestyle, Following the Rules, Managing the Risks, Making a Plan and Learning the Language. He made the students understand the importance of making money by quoting the lines of Warren Buffet:

  • Rule No. 1: Never Lose Money
  • Rule No. 2: Remember Rule No. 1

Takeaway: One of the Important factors to which Managers look for, is to Maximize the Profitability of the firm. Therefore, students learnt the ways of minting money faster so that their future would be in safer hands.

 All 3 Business Professionals made the entire Guest Lecture Series, fruitful and interesting. The sessions were then followed by an Interactive Question and Answer Session where students got their queries addressed. The series concluded with a list of key learnings and Vote of Thanks.

ISBR family looks forward to have more such International Guest Lecture series in the forthcoming days.


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