International Workshop on “Research and innovation” under Executive Education Center

ISBR Business School had conducted two days’ workshop called “International workshop on Research and Innovation” on 5th & 6th of August 2017 in ISBR Auditorium.

The Workshop was inaugurated by an eminent Scientist, Dr. TK Anuradha, Project Director, ISRO Bangalore. During her address, she has taken all the participants to a space tour showing the achievement through research and innovation. It was the moment of truth which inspired all of us to take the proud journey of research and experience every moment as the pride of achievement.

Session 1 was an introduction to Research by Dr. Ananth Rao, Dean, UoD ( University of Dubai) where he dealt with the importance and the process orientation to follow the path. He went through the complete journey right from the selection of a topic to writing the research paper and report.

He distributed the cases that were inclined towards improving the research and analytics skills of the participants. He also gave the participants the various tools to check the quality of the research papers and the publication of the research work.

In post lunch session Dr. KS Gupta in his session on Research Mind started with the quote; “Afternoon sessions are not good they have to be made good”.

Research process is the path for managing the total change. The change management remains difficult because either people do not change or follow change blindly. This is because of the certain negatively dominant human mind programs. However, a conscious and planned path for managing permanent change is the path of research.

Stressing on the mind programming, he said if it is programmed then it can be reprogrammed also. Research process will help us to do so. He introduced the concept and definition of Empowerment which can help in reprogramming and overcoming the hurdles in research.

Serve your passion then serve the community. 

Passion comes if you have selected right topic. This was quoted by Dr. Anandram (Sr. Director, ISBR) in the beginning of the second day of the workshop i.e. on 6th August. He said, ‘selection of research topic is very important and it shows the capability of the researchers. It also depends on different aspects like environment, candidate, time availability, library, financial status etc.

The dignitaries on the Dias were Dr. Ananth Rao (Dean, Dubai business school), Dr. Padma Srinivasan (Research Head,  Acharya College Bengaluru Business school),  Dr. Avneet Saxena (Functional Consultant, Analyst, TCS Bangalore) and Dr. K.S.Gupta ( Director, Centre for Executive Education, ISBR).

Padma Srinivasan quoted “Reach is the weapon in your hands”, and talked about the important aspects of processing data which were: Research notes, Collaboration, Graphic Details, data management, outreach. In order to get best research data one should use open source data and read researches done by others, as much as possible because from now on it will be inter disciplinary. Dr. Avneet talked about Industrial research and gave suggestions on selection of the topic, filling gaps, path of the research. He stated that patience always helps researchers and also spoke about the Grey area ( a subject or a problem that people do not know how to deal with because there are no clear rules).  Both Dr. Padma and Dr. Avneet shared their professional experiences.

Second Session was started by Dr. Ananth Rao. The research aspirants presented few research papers in groups, as assigned by him on the first day of the workshop. He gave suggestions on the presentation done by them and mentioned a brief do’s and don’ts of the research. He also explained about the synopsis and its importance.

Dr. PavanSoni said, “Research is a profession of trading knowledge”He explained Management as a circle with three interconnected aspects which are Economics, Sociology and Psychology.  He also clarified the nature of research into 3 aspects i.e. Theoretically sound, Methodological rigorous and practically relevant. ‘While collecting samples approach human beings rather than Google’. He ended his speech by adding “Ph.D. can give legitimacy but not capability and capability is intrinsic”.

The organizers collected feedback on workshop from the aspirants and certificates were distributed to participants.

It was an excellent workshop. Industry and Finance coverage was good. Collaboration and Data management skills were enhanced.  More such workshops on research should be conducted.”- Kajal Raj, Insight Academy

Excellent clarity on the entire research process on how to progress, what is the outcome of the research and how it will benefit society. Identifying and defining problems, publishing articles in peer reviewed journal and insights on practical research was emphasized. Be practical, be in the field. Collect data by physically meeting people.”- Anil Patro, Meritor CVS India PVT. LTD.

Got fundamentally connected to research. The workshop gave clarity and provided a professional and systematic approach to research. Sessions broke the myth based pattern of conducting research and real passion research along with real time results was focused upon.”- Anaghappan L.P.L, Space Art Group

“Be confident and never underestimate the potential of self. The workshop stressed on the fact to remain a student throughout the learning course and to design a self-evaluating approach one’s own research.”- Ms. Megha N Galagali, KLE Society RL Science Institute, Belagavi

The research needs to be more Field Oriented rather than mere process one. A completely novel approach towards conducting research was highlighted.”- AmitKanchanbaraj, Apar People World

The workshop provided us motivation and passion towards conducting research. The importance of innovation and field study was stated very important. Research should follow a planned methodology for conducting research.”- Vinay Kumar C, Akshaya Patra Foundation

Dr. K.S.Gupta ended the workshop by giving vote of thanks.

Contributed by: 

Padma.C Sharayu.C.J



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