International Yoga Day -2022

“8th International Day of Yoga” was celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm in ISBR B School, Electronic City, Bengaluru on 21st June 22. The theme for this year’s International Yoga Day for “Yoga for Humanity “. Yoga sessions were conducted from 14th June till 21st June. Faculties actively  participated in the session and felt rejuvenated . Dr. Priyanka Khanzode, Assistant Professor at ISBR B School was the resource person for the weekly session.

On the  International Yoga day the session was conducted by Mr. Ravi Prakash ,Physical Education Director, ISBR Institution.  Dr.  Priyanka  Khanzode was the event co-ordinator .The following asanas were practiced on 21st June. Time duration was 45 minutes.

1.Trikonasana 2.Veerabhadra 3.Bhujangasana 4.Nowkasana 5.Gomukhasana 6.Shashankasana 7.Suryanamaskar

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