The Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B) welcomed ISBR Business School to perform for their cultural extravaganza that took place after the ICIER Conference on 30th January 2015. The show pooled in a lot of talent from ISBR starting with an Indian Solo by Amrita Deb that mesmerized the audience. The Mime duo by Abdul Rehman and Pooja Dixit evoked expressions to its fullest. Meanwhile the Solo by Western Solo by Jerlin Biju brought the auditorium to a relaxed setting. Last but not the least, the Puppet Dance with Bollywood Thumka by Remya and Team got the audience pushing themselves to the edge of their seats. That sure brought the excitement level of the audience to a whole new level. Delegates from various Institutions and Organizations of various states in India as well as the world attended the function. It was a once in a lifetime experience for both ISBR and IIM-B. ISBR was able to showcase the best they had in them and IIM enjoyed their night with various talents dabbed with creativity.

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