ISBR Student

ISBR Students’ Research Paper Published in SCOPUS Indexed Journal

Research is a necessary and systematic process that should be imbibed deeply in every curriculum if we want to nurture young minds in a way that they become the most outstanding problem-solvers. We at ISBR understand this and endeavour to improve and formulate new ways to motivate our students and faculty to take up more research projects.

Recently, our research paper titled “AN ANALYSIS ON BRAND AWARENESS LEVEL AND ITS IMPACT ON BRAND SALIENCE OF PEPSICO” got published in SCOPUS Indexed Journal – Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics and Education– ISSN- 1309-4653; Vol 12, No 13 (2021), 2511-2518.

The Paper is authored by:

  • Faculty – Dr YLK, Dr Guru Basava Aradhya S
  • Students – Mr G Rajashekar and Ms Kushala B (3rd Trimester PGDM Students) 

Research is fundamental to the learning at Business schools. It is not only paramount in the field of academics but also gives students some brain muscle. Also, it is due to the research reputation that we have attracted top-quality faculty.

We understand that good academic research from ISBR should be published in reputed national and international journals if we want to succeed at the global league tables.

We require our MBA students to carry out their own research as part of their coursework – either as a business problem or a live problem posed by the market. Sometimes we involve our students in long-term research projects carried out by our intellectual faculty.

Conducting good research in business is one of the proven excellent strategies to understand more significant insights about your customers, market and competition. With relevant information in hand, you can make well-thought-out and innovative decisions to grow your business.

We train our students to become great researchers to prove to be a beneficial asset to their company by developing excellent advertising campaigns, innovating new products, and competing well with their competitors. Without research, you are left in silos, trying to navigate your path through the market in the dark.

Tomorrow, our students will hold key decision-making positions in various companies. And they must be skilled in solid research to ensure profitable steps for the organisations they work for. At ISBR, we are training great future leaders who can perform well at the global level by skilling them and filling any gaps we identify while they stay here. We are focused on high-quality research, are you?

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