ISBR Bangalore, often organizes events to groom its students for corporate exposure. This time, it was a Just a Minute session by Prof. Madhusmriti, where students were asked to speak on topics given to them on spot. The topics were mainly related to their field of specialization. They most debated topics were stock exchange, Sensex, workforce diversity balance, ethics at workplace etc.

The event started off well with all the students showing enthusiasm and active participation in the event. Each and every student was given fair chance to come up on stage and speak on the given topic for a minute. This helped the audience as well to learn and gain knowledge from what all they were delivering through their speech.

The event ended with Sayani Basu and Pankaj Makhwana at the first position, Suyash at the second position and Remya R Pillai at the third position. The active participations showed that students do enjoy such events and are looking forward to more such like this.

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