Ms Zandile Mxaku, Lecturer at CPUT, Cape Town, South Africa in the Marketing Department- Faculty of Business and Management Sciences since 2014. Lecturing Global Marketing to 4 th year students (Advanced Diploma in Marketing).
Masters of Communications Management from University of Strathclyde (Glasgow)\ Master’s in Business Management from Philadelphia University (US) – Major Marketing, BSc Clothing and Textiles (Fashion Merchandising)
Participated in the Collaboration Online International Learning Between CPUT and a German University.
Abstract/Snapshot: Marketing Ethics in a cross-cultural perspective. Ms. Zandile elaborated on the cross-culture perspectives and narrated the importance of knowing the South African culture mix if someone wants to start a business in South Africa.
Then she elaborated on Ethics or moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad
and morally right and wrong. She dealt with the ethical considerations in the promotional strategies/ advertisements used by some MNCs in South Africa.
The flow of the event: Mr Kamesh Gurao student from PGDM, welcomed guest Ms Zandile and give brief introduction about ma’am and covers all the points which ma’am is going to address in front of all.
Ms Zandile gave a snapshot of the population mix of South Africa, their demographics, the linguistic diversity and how media is catering to a large segment of the population from different groups.
She threw light on the ethical considerations in the advertisements by MNCs and how the public reaction was
resulted out of the same. The ads were considered racist and the public took remorse to them, according to her.
Ms Zandile started with ethical issues and ethical dilemma. Ethical issues often involve an identifiable problem, situation or opportunity requiring an individual or organisation to choose from among several actions that must be evaluated in terms of right and wrong and gave examples of the same.
Ethical dilemmas in the business world involve a complex situation which often involves a conflict between morals, in which to obey one would result in transgressing (disobey) another. She had elaborated on the ethics in cross – cultural perspective and how the MNCs and other organizations should take cognizance of the cultural and linguistic diversity while framing the advertisements.
The session was very interesting with students interacting with Ms Zandile about the cross cultural perspectives
in global marketing. Then students asked about the issues in global marketing. Ms. Zandile detailed the various issues and the resolution of the same. The session ended with Mr Kamesh Gurao proposing the vote of thanks to Ms. Zandile for her time and sharing her knowledge.
Feedback from students:
Students asked questions to Ms Zandile Mxaku and she explained every answer in detail, students gave positive feedback regarding this session they appreciated the efforts made by the management, International Relations Office and the HoD, Marketing Department for arranging the session. This session was a very interactive one and students look forward to more such sessions.
About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations.