With season’s greetings come merry days and happy hearts. Though it was a bit early to celebrate the most exciting day of December; ISBR (International School of Business and Research) College Bangalore did not shy away in celebrating Christmas Day with great pomp and show on 29th November, 2016. December being fully packed with exams for both batches of seniors and juniors left the enthusiastic students no other way than indulging in the fun of Christmas almost a month before.
Noel- The Pre Christmas Event by ISBR was an event dunked in fun, surprises and a little more fun. The décor was symbolic of North Pole giving the whole auditorium a Chrsitmassy Vibe’. Two eminent speakers Mr. Denny Sam (Senior Head, Cognizant Technology Solutions) and Mr. George Cherian (CEO, Doctors Transcribe) were the Guests of Honor and Keynote Speakers who swept the audience off their feet. The two hour event loaded with Christmas Carols, Dance performances, Skits and Mime was captivating enough to make the audience stick to their seats with excitement. The element of surprise was special performance by the band ‘Petraphonix’ that delivered to the music lovers euphoria at its best. One cannot be wrong in saying that the band stole the thunder in the event.
The Organizing committee had beautifully arranged stalls as hunger busters within the Campus for the audience. Domino’s, Delhi Essence, French Loaf, Evolve and Sweet Corn were among the few stalls that were set up. Apart from that, the Students had the privilege of closely interacting with few companies who partnered with ISBR as sponsors. Quiklync, Organic Feast, Radha Regent and Wash Buddy were the proud sponsors for the Pre Christmas. Words might not be able to do justice to the support of the sponsors.
The success of the event was glimmering on the faces of the audience. Gratitude, hugs and Smiles were exchanged throughout and that was pretty amazing to see. Cause Christmas is much more than just Santa and Christmas Tree. Ever wondered, how Christmas is supposed to be?