PlaceCom StratX: “The Placement Committee – ISBR Business School”

In ISBR Business School, student is considered to be the true torch bearer of the institution and thus aligning with the said thought process , the Institute’s first of its kind – the student led placement committee was formalized  “PlaceCom StratX”- which essentially ‘was of the students, by the students and for the students’.

The core essence lies in taking time critical strategic decisions, repeatedly, across all the key placements’ related activities which in one way or the other are connected to the eventual, experiential learning integration, of students, with the corporate world.

ISBR Business School continues to empower its students and the same is very evident from the fact that a student is not just encouraged to own up and take critical decisions pertaining to their career; but also for their fellow mates as well, thus consistently demonstrating leadership and inclusivity attributes.

The critical activities related to the Placements are shouldered by a 6 member strong self-committed team and led by an equally strong and self-committed President – “Team Placecom StratX”. Each of the 6 members lead six key critical verticals comprising as below:

  • President:

Keeping a 360 degree view of both strategic and operational activities and getting to the core of any activity to resolve any and every concern that is encountered which impacts the overall strategy.

  • VP – Recruitment:

Connecting with potential recruiters to negotiate and firm up the timelines for live projects, internships & final placements

  • VP – Client Relations and Alumni:

Strengthening and ensuring long term relationships with key stakeholders of various companies as well as with alumnus

  • VP —  Student Relations :

Core responsibility to ensure facilitating seamless communication channel between the strategic team, the leadership team and the student fraternity

  • VP – Faculty Connect:

Primarily responsible for consistently staying connected and ensuring a seamless coordination between the department heads’ and their respective department students, facilitating the respective department heads in coordination with the Training department in operationalization of training activities

  • VP – MIS:  

Mainly responsible for information gathering ; enriching the student demographic data ; maintaining the students’ performance records – training ; attendance ; tracking, processing & disseminating critical information to the leadership and strategic team.

  • VP – Social Media:

Key responsibility includes leveraging the prominent digital media platforms, like Linkedln , Instagram and many others and consistently conduct meaningful campaigns  w.r.t the ‘Talent Connect 2021-22’ thereby evincing interest in the potential recruiters who in turn register on the ISBR Talent Connect page and be part of the ISBR talent selection .

The above mentioned student body is structured in a way that it holistically brings up all the stakeholders’ voice – internal and external, across the table for concrete & impactful decision making.

This is evident from the fact that 100% autonomous decision-making authority has been bestowed upon the President and the 6 Vice Presidents, by the Director of the institute

The committee is responsible and empowered to not only help facilitate in the right up skilling of  their fellow colleagues based on their aspirations and requirements but also aligning their thought process with what is required in the corporates holistically.

The entire student fraternity’s individual need and wants remain a crucial contributing factor in the functioning of this committee which in turn helps the committee to take the right and appropriate decisions – from Policy finalization to getting the dream roles.

This is evident from the fact that the committee is empowered to draft and formalize the necessary policies- Placement, collaterals for the Recruiters – Recruiter handbook ; Corporate deck;  which in turn will augur the necessary momentum within the students’ fraternity to accomplish maximum number of opportunities for themselves.

PlaceCom StratX is not just a student aggregator but an energy filled engine providing the necessary thrust, momentum and rigor to the ISBR Placements thus ensuring, in-turn 100% placements and a smiling Parent…..

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