Sports Club


Games and sports are as essential as studies. They are an indispensable part of the study. They provide the much-desired change in the regime of academic life in college. School or college life without sports would be dull and dreary. Outdoor games are very much alive these days when compared to indoor games. In order to throw some light on the indoor games and to bring them alive was One such initiative taken by the sports club of ISBR in order to keep the enthusiasm living in students was by conducting carrom and chess event. The plan was made to conduct indoor games since it was the first event that has been taken by students of the current year 2019-21, hence the decision was taken to go for carroms and chess. The posters for the event were made and put up all over the college, very soon there was a list of interested people for participation in their respective games. Fixtures for the matches were drawn accordingly and The event took place for 3 days i.e. quarter semi and the finals for both carroms and chess.

The event went as planned or even better. There was an unexpected number of entries for the event. People did show a keen interest in these games and put their level best event though it was not some national match happening. Students played every match like their last, obviously one wins where the other loses but participation is all that mattered. Every single student that participated received a certificate of participation.

It was such a great experience for me and the entire sports club members. We learned a lot in the process of upbringing this event the process. This wouldn’t have been possible without this immense support that stayed with us throughout from MR.V V RAO sir (head in a charge sports club)and also the institute as a whole.

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