Student Corner

Happiness: A Treasure

In this fast-forward world, where each and every moment we are thinking to find happiness either by achieving accolades or fulfilling short-term goals. 

Are we really happy? Do you think happiness is something that can be achieved? Or do you feel is there anything that can bring ultimate happiness? 

After this pandemic, we are into so many mental wellness programs, meditation, video conferencing with family and friends just to make us feel content and feel bliss. But do you feel is it enough? Can happiness be measured by external factors? Can it be enhanced by making our lives seems great virtually?

I feel there is no need to find the answer as it is not about finding but creating happiness. Even your murphy’s day can be good if you feel the way that would make it positive. In simple words, it is two sides of the same coin. The way we see things, we attract the same. 

Dalai Lama has rightly stated in the book “The Art of Happiness”: “We need to learn how to want what we have not to have what we want in order to get steady and stable happiness.”

There lies a very simple equation: Happiness satisfaction = what you have / what you want.

As it is rightly quoted: 

“Don’t count your days, make your days count.”

It is important to realize that happiness is like a butterfly. Set it free and feel the miracle. You can’t bind it with your aspirations, wishes, and desires otherwise each and every time you will have the same feeling to acquire more to gain happiness. It does not depend on materialistic things, it is the feeling of being satisfied and feel grateful for the blessing we have in form of family to care for us, food to nourish ourselves, and healthy wellbeing. 

So immense pleasure comes from little things which we do or feel each and every day. A smile on your loved ones’ face, feeling of satisfaction in your father’s eyes, random text from a long distant friend, or embracing nature’s serenity. As an individual implication of happiness can be very beneficial if one is happy with whatever he or she does. Strengthening one’s closest relationship and taking care of oneself physically, financially, and emotionally. As a leader in the Corporate world, one should focus on how one’s team members feel about what they do, investing in team members’ physical, financial, and emotional wellbeing.

Stop overthinking about finding happiness, just be real, and feel the priceless moments around you. Smile and say thank you to almighty. The essence of life enrichment. The essence of being true to oneself.

Thank you

Doel Bhattacharya


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