TEACHER’S DAY ==> Day – 5

”The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth.”

5th September marked the celebration of Teacher’s day at ISBR. Students actively participated in organizing a small function as a tribute to the beloved faculties of ISBR.

Teachers were honoured by a bouquet, followed by the cake cutting ceremony. it was a day of rejoice and merry making ,which resulted in everlasting bond between the teachers and the students .

Black was the colour of the day which signifies ”intolerance towards injustice”. The theme was arrival of winter.

The carnival began with a dark romance dance performance, which mesmerized the audience and filled their hearts with love.

The next performance was an outstanding glue dance. The expressions of the performers enthralled the audience and made them laugh and rejoice the tune of the songs.

The show top performance was the puppet dance .It was such a delight to watch the performers dancing like puppets. The performers received a thunderous applause from the audience.

Moving on from Rajasthan to Gujrat, the dandia performance was an enthusiastic one. The zest which the performers portrayed was incredible.

It was a day of total nonstop fun and entertainment with cherishiable memories that will last forever.



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