It started with the host’s introduction Mr. N M Sumanth Kumar with that he shared his experience and talked about the concept of the future in science of learning. The future in science of learning focuses on the role of learning technologists in both online and face to face learning. The challenges faced and solutions to support learning, the value that technology brings and explores what the future of learning will look like beyond the crisis. The science of learning is an approach that recognizes the value and importance of cross fertilization across traditional field of study, drawing on many different methods and techniques to understand how learning occurs. The teaching and learning based on scientific evidence is key to developing the skills we know will be crucial for young people to thrive in a changing world.
The science of learning can provide guidelines for moving beyond identifying what skills are important to answering how to teach those skills.

The event started with the brief introduction and welcoming of the guest speaker. Then he proceeded with break the ice he initiated a game based on one’s full stop is next is comma with that light mart trivia game. We continued with the topic today that is ‘The future in science of learning’, With that flow then the interaction between student began and we were asked to share or Think about the best learning experience you’ve ever had. A good learning experience focuses on being authentic, interactive and collaborative to enhance engagement and improve knowledge retention.

A Great learning experience is the preliminary asset great content. Learning is the foundation for many Business is what our motto the speaker enhanced. Necessity of L&D (Learning & Development), which is to introduce the employee to the work culture, format of the organization.
-We learned the effective at producing good outcomes. Student can learn at their own pace, from anywhere and at any time.

-Then we discussed the difference between learning and E-Learning, the only diff. is the amount of interaction. It includes Group oriented and self-paced (Interaction or passion) and we discussed,
-Benefits of E-learning: Learning can be created once & delivered multiple times to multiple learners in multiple locations. People think of the ‘E’ in e- learning as electronic and certainly it’s electronic. But here is a few more E’s- Everywhere learning, Everyday learning, Engaging learning, Evolving learning. The most important delivery of this session will be on Careers in L&D. Later, we moved to some another interesting game which was guess the write answer true/false statement, to understand the practicality of learning. There we learned- Learning isn’t an event; It’s a process which comes through
experience. Successful Learning an amazing, classes are useless if the learner doesn’t do
something different afterward.

About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations

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