ISBR Business School’s Marketing Department under the guidance of Dr. Supriya Lamba organized a panel discussion on the impact of chatgpt on Digital Marketing on the 26th of May, 2023 which was attended by six esteemed panel members, the faculties of ISBR and the students. Dr. Gary W Paul, was the moderator for the evening, which saw the likes of Dr. George Bouce, Ms. Dhairya Gangwani, Ms. Mansi Thakkar, Mr. Sanidhya Soni and Mr. Balendan Thavarajah shedding light on the current digital marketing strategies and how it would be impacted with the introduction of the revolutionary AI powered ChatGPT.
The Session started with Dr. Supriya Lamba introducing the guests of the day followed by Dr. George Bouche’s address on the impact of ChatGPT. He stressed on the importance of how customer experience can and should be improved with the help of ChatGPT in Digital Marketing. The next speaker Ms. Gangwani said that ChatGPT was both good and bad and it is down to the users and professionals on how to get the best out of it. She mentioned that getting work done in a limited time is boon with the help of ChatGPT but it could also hamper the quality of work. Mr. Sanidhya Soni took the discussion into the IT world where ChatGPT is playing an important role as well.

With the help of ChatGPT, larger data was now easy to be decoded and analysed, he was keen on letting the people know that the application of ChatGPT goes beyond the world of marketing and it opens up different possibilities in every domain. The next speaker Ms. Mansi gave insight on how ChatGPT should not take over our personal brand. Personal Branding includes your own thought leadership taking centre stage and all other AI tools should just be a facilitator to the process. She also gave insights on different
kinds of prompts that can be used in the application and spoke about the emerging trend of prompt engineering. The final speaker of the day Mr. Balendran spoke about the broader impact that chatgpt will
have on marketing strategies. He went onto tell that smaller companies can now compete with larger companies in terms of marketing-thanks-to-marketing campaigns organized by chatGPT. Even though the campaigns that chatGPT introduces are far from perfect, it is still evolving and there is a strong reason to believe that not so in the distant future, it will unleash complete potential.
The discussion was completed by Dr Gary, the moderator of the day taking up questions and delivering his thoughts on the panel discussion as well. Dr. Supriya gave the closing address and the discussion for the day left a lasting impression on all those in attendance about the various ways in which digital marketing can be elevated due to the emergence of ChatGPT.

About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations

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