Visit to STPI ( Software Technology Parks of India)

Visit to STPI ( Software Technology Parks of India)
Visit to STPI ( Software Technology Parks of India)

On 15th November a group of around 20 students from PGDM 1st semester, visited Software Technology Parks of India located in Electronic city, Bangalore. The students geared themselves up for the industry visit and left for STPI( Software Technology parks Of India) at around 10:30 am.

Excitement rushed in the veins as soon they reached there and were completely amazed to look at their huge and wonderful infrastructure. A senior official from the STPI gave students a warm welcome and took them inside their control room where they briefed about their company and how it functions. They explained each and every detail about their company with proper visual aids. The control room contained several servers and critical technical setups.

Students asked several questions which were effectively and patiently answered by them. The STPI is a government company which provides required infrastructure and technical backup to the startup companies. The startups approach the STPI with their proper project and plans and in return they help the budding entrepreneurs by letting them operate from the STPI by simply installing their server there. This encouraged the students who have plans of becoming entrepreneurs in the future.

It was quite an interactive session between the students of ISBR and  the officials of STPI whereby the students got to enhance their knowledge. The students clicked the photos with the employees of STPI and later they were also served refreshments which they enjoyed. Over all the visit proved quite beneficial for the students and specially for the future entrepreneurs of ISBR.

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