
List Of Full Time Faculty

Dr. Nila A Chotai

Dr. Nila A Chotai

Designation : Director - Executive Academics

Dr. Nila A Chotai Progressive record in the academic domain with over 16 years of experience in teaching at the higher education sector. Distinguished record of publication in academic journals. Strong philosophy of teaching, and knowledge of many different methods to motivate students to develop their expertise in specific areas. A dedicated partner to institutional programs and outreach events that help promote learning and support the community. She holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Pondicherry University followed by MBA and PGDHRM as other post-graduation degree. She was awarded with PhD in Economics from University of Mysore in 2013.

She has worked in reputed Management Institutions and Autonomous University. Her core area of interest is in Economics & HR. She has been a core committee member in accreditation process at management institutions for NAAC, NBA & IACBE. She has conducted sessions for German Industry Partners and Indian Plywood Industries Research &Training Institute. She has Co-authored a book in Marketing Management. She has a rich experience in developing curriculum and planning the academic calendar. She is a Guest Editor for Scopus Journal Empirical Economics letter.

Dr. Kanagaraj K


Designation : Associate Professor

  • Mr. Kanagaraj is a seasoned teacher with over 17 years of experience. He specializes in OB & HR. During his teaching career of 10+ years he has published various articles in leading national and international journals. He has done his MS in IT Management from Madurai Kamaraj University and has an MBA from Anna University, Chennai. Currently he has submitted his PhD thesis in "Comparison of HCM practices in IT &ITeS and influence of select behavioural variables" and is awaiting his public defense. He comes with a total of 17 years of experience in both Teaching and Industry. In his 7 year stint in industry he has worked with large corporations like IBM, Mphasis etc., in various capacities

    Mr. Abbas Uppin Ali

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Director – Corporate Relations.

  • Mr. Abbas Ali holds Engineering degree in Electronics & Communication from Karnataka University Dharwad. He has MBA degree in HR and 18 years of professional experience in IT training and education industry. He heads Corporate Relations and Placements in our institute.

    Prof. Sunil D Anto

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor – Marketing.

    Professor D Anto comes in with nigh on twenty-five years of teaching, consulting and corporate experience in the field of marketing specialities and business communication.

    During the preceding one and a half decades, Professor D’ Anto has been tutoring at top-notch B-Schools in India, on the specialisation subjects of the marketing management and retail management area, viz., Integrated Marketing Communications, Product & Brand Management, B2B Marketing, Marketing of Services, Customer Relationship Management, and the core courses of Marketing Management & Business Communication. Adept at the Executive education, Masters and Bachelors’ level of professorship, Professor D’ Anto has been consistently rated with distinguished student feedback. He has also been the Dean & Director – Academics in his first B-School assignment.

    • Faculty co-ordinator for the Marketing/Student Clubs.
    • Internal Quality Auditor from Marketing Area for the ISO internal audit. Can audit the Programs of MBA, BBA, EMBA & EPGDM.
    • Core Committee member for the creation of new / modified courses in area of marketing such as Digital Marketing, Business Marketing, Customer Relationship Management & Integrated Marketing Communications; responsibilities included the construction of learning-objective based syllabi.

    Prior to turning into academics, in pursuit of self-actualization, Professor D’ Anto had served for a decade in various managerial roles in world-class organizations, in the domains of retail, telecommunications, enterprise-wide IT solutions and marketing communications (specifically in the areas of Public Relations consulting and Advertising & Media Planning).

    His areas of interest are in research on Integrated Marketing Communications, B2B & Service Brand Management, Marketing 3.0, New-age Marketing & Corporate Communications, including Public Relations. Indicative Research & Development participations:

    • Exploring Permanency of Pandemic Influenced Changes in Habitual Consumption Behaviour, National Conference on Marketing in the Age of Digitalization and Disruption, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore; 12th August, 2021.
    • Designing Better Courses: Blending the Best of Pre- and Post-Pandemic Pedagogy, AMA Higher Ed Virtual Conference; July 21st 2021.
    • American Marketing Association Marketing Tomorrow from the Frontlines of a Pandemic: Moving Forward Together, AMA Higher Ed Virtual Conference; June 22nd – 24th, 2021.
    • Critical Organisation Studies Workshop – Managing the post-colony: focus on South Asia, IIM-Calcutta & School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore; May 7th & 8th, 2021.
    • The Art of Case Writing Work for Business Education, Center for Management Development - IBS, Hyderabad; January 27-28, 2012.
    • ISO Internal Quality Auditor training workshop, School of Business, Alliance University; 2011-12.

    Professor Sunil D’ Anto has been pursuing his doctoral programme (Ph.D in Marketing) at School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore. He had earned his MBA degree from New Hampshire College, Manchester, USA and his PGDBA from Institute of Technology & Management, Chennai. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management from University of Madras. And is an alumnus of IHM – Bhubaneswar & IHM – Chennai, National Council for Hotel Management, Government of India, PUSA, New Delhi. He is a product of India’s seventh best boys’ school.

    His personal affiliations revolve around People, World Wide Web, Social Networks, PDA-Smart Phones & other electronic gadgets, Creative Writing, inspired Reading, Drama, Music and inspirational Cinema.


    Dr. K S Lakshmi

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor &HoD – Marketing & International Business .

  • Dr. K.S. Lakshmi has around 20 years of teaching, research and training experience. She has taught mainly marketing, advertising, and other related subjects for BBM, B.Tech. and MBA courses. Her core area of interest is in Marketing, she has also taught HR papers and Ethics and Indian Values. She has been involved in preparation of the documentation for the certification from NAAC and ISO audits. She has undertaken activities that contribute to establish a new institution. She has been in research activities for a private research firm and had taken up summer internship programs, has organized FDPs and seminars. She was actively involved in student related activities like outreach activities, outbound training etc. and has extensively use case teaching as a pedagogy. She had presented papers in various conferences, journals and published a chapter in a book. She has attended many workshops on topics of current interest.

    Dr. Raghavi Bhujang

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor &HoD – Information Technology .

  • Dr Raghavi is Ph.D. in Computer Science from Jain University, Master of Computer Application from Bharathidasan University and Bachelor of Science from Bangalore University. Her total years of experience is 18 which includes corporate experience of 9 years and 9 years in teaching. She has expertise in training corporate and academia in management and IT related subjects.
  • Her research publications counts to 13 in number. "Impact of CTP2 during Software Development Process" Accepted in 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2018). Proceedings will be published in the SPRINGER - SIST series and submitted to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springer link for indexing., "Propagation of Risk across the phases of Software Development" 2018, 2nd International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, mobile, Analytics and Cloud), Palladam, India, Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-1442-6, DVD ISBN: 978-1-5386-1441-9, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-1443-3 to name a few. Dr. Raghavi has received "Research in Education Award" from Indian Education Awards team of Techprolabz in association with IIT Patna, in April 2019. She got selected as Honorary Associate Editor in Computer Science stream for International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering, Science & Management (ISJCRESM), Chennai for two years from 2016. Received recognition form the client as the "Best Reviewer" of requirements documents and also the "Best Test Case Developer" that involved analyzing and writing test standards and procedures followed up with the test cases that involved allthe possibilities of failures of the project to be tested. (IBM Global Services - with Zurich North America Client).

    Dr. Sheetal Mahendher

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Head, Dept of Business Analytics, ISBR Business School

    • Dr Sheetal Mahendher is a MCA, MPhil in Comp Sc, MBA, PhD (Management). She has over twenty four years of rich experience in Industry and Academia. She is presently the Editor-in -Chief of ISBR Management Journal. She has published articles in International and National refereed journals (ABDC, WOS, Scopus, UGC- care listed journals).
      She has over 20 years of research, teaching and consulting experience.

    • She has published and presented over 35 papers in various journals of repute and International and National Conferences. Has won the Best Paper Award for paper titled “Best Paper Award for paper titled “A study to develop Prescriptive model to recommend Optimal Sleep patterns to achieve desired Productivity levels” at National Conference by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, April 2021.

    • She is on Board of subject Experts with several reputed Universities.

    • She has conducted several workshops (FDP/MDP) on Data Analysis using R, Python, SPSS and Excel, which had participants from Industry and Academia from
      India and abroad.

    • Her areas of interest are Business Analytics, Business Statistics, Operations Research and software like R, SQL, Python, Tableau, MS Excel, SPSS, Java, C, to name a few.

    • She is certified in Advanced Business Analytics. She has prior teaching experience at Sindhi College and Mount Carmel Institute of Management apart from few Executive Program at other Institutes. She was the Managing Editor of MCIM Journal.

    • She has also been an Entrepreneur for a period of 2 years.

    • She was member and convener of Board of Studies and Board of Examiners at MCIM and few other Institutes in Bangalore.


    Dr.C N Udaya Shankar

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor &HoD – Operations and Supply Chain Management .

  • Dr. C N Udaya Shankar, is a multi-skilled, technically qualified professional with 25+ years of industry experience in Supply Chain Management. He focusses on teaching through simulation games, role plays, case studies and industry examples.
  • He is certified Six Sigma Black Belt and certified as “Mentor – Lean Management” by Bosch Germany. He was awarded as “Best Supply Chain Manager” by Indian Institute of Materials Management, Bangalore.
  • He has been trained in Lean Manufacturing concepts at Bosch Plants in Germany, China and Malaysia and was instrumental in getting Best Plant award in Lean Manufacturing to Indian plant in the year 2011, amongst 27 plants of Bosch all over the world.
  • Along with regular academic requirements, his focus is on making students industry ready with industrial visits, live projects and guest lectures from industry persons.
  • He is a Mechanical Engineer, with MS from BITS, Pilani and pursuing his doctorate from Bharathiar University.

    Dr. M. R. Jhansi Rani

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor – Human Resources & General Management .

  • Dr. M. R. Jhansi Rani is working as Associate Professor in ISBR Business School, Bangalore. She Teaches HRM core and specialized papers. She has 11 years of combined experience in academics and research. Dr. Jhansi had also been acted as HR Consulting Officer as corporate recruiter for several reputed organizations. She has contributed around 23 papers for several renounced national and international journals. She also participated and presented papers in various national and international seminars, conferences, workshops and faculty & management development programs and also acted as resource person.
  • She acted as a reviewer in various national and International journals such as Arabian Journal of Business and Management, Journal of Global Economics, International Journal of Management and Economic Sciences & Journal of Political Sciences and Public Affairs. She is an approved MBA and PGDM internship/project guide for several management institutions and universities. She is also serving as External Examiner & Scrutinizer for many management institutions and universities. Her forefront objective is to enrich and establish herself as corporate trainer.
  • Courses Taught/Specialization :

  • Dr. M.R. Jhansi Rani has been taught variety of courses in management studies such as “Human Resource Management, Human resource Planning, Performance Management, Compensation Administration, Change Management, Global HRM, Business Ethics and Organizational behaviour” in different reputed institutions and universities. She is a core academician and practitioner in the areas of OB & HRM.

    Ms. Veena Shenoy

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor – Human Resources.

  • Mrs. VeenaShenoy, Assistant Professor, ISBR B School, has 12 years of rich experience in Industry and academia.
  • She is pursuing her Phd from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal Mangalore. Completed M.Com from Pune University with Gold medal and stood first rank in the University of Pune and also Post Graduate in Master of Business Administration (M.B.A), Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management from Alagappa University. She has presented and published more than 32 papers in national and international conferences and journals.
  • Co-authored Book with Dr. Chetan Bajaj and Nandini Bajaj – “Introduction to Rural Marketing. Publisher – New Age International Publisher, with ISBN NO- 97893-86070-95-1.
  • Accolades :

    1. Gold Medal from University of Pune for securing highest marks in M.Com Examination held.

    2. Highly commended Paper award for paper presented at IFIM Convergence 2016 for the paper “Cloud learning in the Indian education system”.

    Area of Interest: Behavioural Science, Human Resources Management, Managerial Research Methods.


    Ms. Navita Vijay

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor – Finance cum Academic Coordinator.

    Teaching Area : Finance & Marketing.

    Overview : An enthusiastic research scholarwith ~4 years of experience in lectureship and Research in India and abroad. Worked in banking sector in area of Portfolio Management. Passionate to work in the field of education and areas of research in Management studies.

    Educational Qualification : PhD (Pursuing), MBA in Finance & Marketing, B. Pharm .

    Teaching : Financial accounting.


    Ms. Punitha S

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor – Human Resources cum Academic Coordinator .

    Overview : MBA in HR and Finance with 2 years of work experience in IT Training Institute as Technology Consultant and in Recruitment .

    Teaching Area : Post-graduate.

    Education Details : MBA in HR and Finance.

    Teaching Subjects : Training and Development , Human Resource Management.


    Mr. Suresh Raju

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Head Training & Transformation .

  • Mr. Suresh Raju is the Head of Training and Transformation at ISBR Business School. He is a Post Graduate with Master of Science in Counselling and Psychotherapy from Kuvempu University and has a Master of Labour Management with specialization in HR from Madurai Kamaraj University. He is a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification from Darwin Nelson, USA, He is a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP), Certified in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy from NIMHANS, Post Graduate Diploma in Sales and Marketing – NIS Sparta (SPIN Technique), Certified TA-101 in Transactional Analysis and has a Mission impossible Leadership Program Certification.
  • Mr. Suresh is a passionate trainer in Leadership, Management, Sales and Soft Skills. He has trained corporates in India and Middle East. He is also a proclaimed trainer and resource facilitator for Motivational Trainings for the students in collage and schools. He has been a resource facilitator for the UNICEF project for Karnataka State Police Department and Karnataka Health Promotion Trust project representing US-AID and TB Alert. He is the founder of Cope Café – an initiative of Perhance Technologies – which aims at counselling, coaching and training the youth to empower themselves and become self-reliant, ensure to create happy society through happy people. Prior to this he has served as the Head of L & D and HR for iSol Group Companies, and had been a Counsellor at Vishwas Society for Mental Health for over a decade.

    Mr. Visweswara Rao

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Adjunct Faculty – Quantitative Techniques & Statistics .

  • He has more than 11 years of experience in Industry and Teaching.Considered to be an exceptional teacher, he specializes in Statistics,Quantitative Techniques, Operations Research and Research Methodology.
  • He is very passionate about teaching and is also considered to be a master in Statistics. Besides teaching he also believes that a teacher first has to be a role model for every student

    Ms. Preeja Sreedhar

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Adjunct Faculty – Human Resources .

  • Preeja Sridhar is a visiting faculty with eminent management institutes and engineering colleges for the past 10 years. Her areas of expertise include behavioural training and communication. She has conducted several training programs, seminars and workshops on soft skill areas communication skils, inter-personal skills, personality enhancement, personal productivity and motivation, Team Management, Conflict Resolution and other behavioural training. She has conceptualized various teaching models for school teachers and has conducted many workshops. She is also a Corporate Trainer & her clients include Hindustan Tech Mahindra, Patni IGATE, Siemens, Infosys & many more. She also conducts FDP (Faculty Development Programme) and Leadership development program for management Institutes. She is associated with ISBR from the day of inception (2007).

    Dr. Karpagam T

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor .

  • Dr. Karpagam is a seasoned academician and a specialist in the area of Supply Chain Management and Analytics. Her research area spans from supply chain management to marketing with special emphasis on sustainable supply chain, humanitarian supply chain, O2O supply chain, green supply chain, FSCM, the sandwich strategy for brand equity.
  • She holds Master in Business Administration from Anna University. She earned her Ph.D. during the year 2012 in Supply Chain Management from Anna University. Expert in teaching operations and Supply chain Management.
  • Her areas of interest include Sales & Distribution, Last Mile Delivery, Manufacturing Technologies, Operations Strategy, Production Planning &Control, Sourcing&Supply Chain Management.
  • Published papers in various international journals. She runs various YouTube channel for Excel, MS-Project, Tableau and Power BI.
  • She is also a trainer in the areas of Supply Chain Analytics and Data Visualization.

    Ms. Usha N

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor - Finance.

  • A research scholar and Asst. Professor MBA Finance and Human Resources,M.Com. Finance, PGDFIM,(Ph.D.) with 10years of experience, outstanding communication with class room management and presentation skills.
  • She has proven excellence in the development of strong rapport with students, colleagues and administrators. Exhibits the particular expertise in creation, implementation and Coordination of lifelong learning programs and personalized development of appropriate strategy and propel learning in higher education. She is visiting as resources person for many colleges with respect to talks on finance topics.
  • She has published paper in recognized journal of UGC on promoters holding with new generation bank. She has attended more than 10 FDP's, seminars and conferences with respect to state, national, international. Level and also engaged in the organization of seminars and conferences. Her areas of interest include direct tax, GST, security analysis portfolio management, Forex management, International Financial management, statistics, and Operation Research. Her passion towards conquering the vast knowledge and intensive study towards the subject of Finance in correlation towards current updates for the qualitative education for the society enhancement.

    Mr. Amit Kanchanbaras

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor & HoD Finance.

  • Management graduate, Seasoned Banker turned Academician having over 25 years of industry exposure, predominantly in the Banking and Financial Services space and Academia in the recent past.
  • Worked with top Banks / Financial services firm - JP Morgan, Northern Trust, Birla Sun life Insurance and Citigroup. Commenced career with Ashok Leyland Finance Ltd, in 1994.
  • In the recent past have been associated with leading business schools as a Senior Faculty / HoD in the Banking, Finance and Economics domain.
  • Career Highlights :

  • Supported global businesses across Retail, Wholesale / Commercial and Investment banking operations.
  • As an Operations’ leader repeatedly produced sustained business and revenue growth in changing markets - both Domestic and International.
  • Possess an integrated set of competencies that encompass areas related to Business Management , Client Relationship and Team Building.
  • Knowledge Orientation to Management students (UG&PG) across Banking, Finance and Economics.
  • In addition complimented the academic learning by enhancing students’ employability Index: Self designed curriculum endorsed by Industry- Global Investment Banking Practices .

    Dr. T K Vijay Kumar

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor .

  • T K Vijay Kumar started his career as sales executive, Blue Star. Worked as Marketing Head of both public and private sectors in different verticals like consumer electronics, automobiles, FMCG. He was the first marketing head of public sector banks. Served as CEO of DCM Shriram for six years. He has been working as a visiting faculty of prime business schools in Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore .

    Mr. Shiva Prakash

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor .

  • Shiva Prakash, Alumni of Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Mumbai (MMM), is an Advertising Professional with varied experience across industry and academia. Industry experience is from the Advertising Agency for over 40 years and Academia as Visiting Faculty across many B-Schools for over a decade.Currently promoter of a start-up Advertising and Brand Communications Company- THINK TANK IMC.

    Ms. Roshny Unnikrishnan

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor .

  • She is currently pursuing Doctoral Programme from Vishweshwarayya TechnologicalUniversity, Belgaum. An MBA graduate from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore,NET Qualified (2012), with corporate and have academic work experienceof over ten years.Undergoing Full Stack Data Science certification.Certified in Predictive Analytics and Data science using SPSS,R andPython in year 2016. Previously associated with Amity GlobalBusiness School (Bangalore), The Oxford College of Business Management, Standard Chartered Bank, ANZ.

    Mr. Kirron Bindu

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Assistant Professor & Director International Relations .

  • Mr. Kirron Bindu has domain expertise in Finance. His areas of interest is Financial Derivatives and Risk Management. Starting in 1995 Kirron has experience in Accounting and Auditing areas too. Kirron has over 12 years of teaching experience in some of the best schools in Bangalore. Valuation is another area of passion, in the recent past he has valued companies and natural resources like mines for interest groups in the social activism sphere. He has experience in analyzing the social cost of PPP and raising pertinent questions before the Regulatory authorities in the areas of civil aviation and electric utility companies. He is involved in training executives in IFRS. He is a partner in an investment advisory firm called Mentes Capital where he provides both investment and trading calls to interested subscribers for various investment packages. He is a mentor at leading accelerator called Kyron. He likes reading anything on finance and follows global financial markets keenly.

    Dr. Guru Basava Aradhya S

    GEMS of ISBR

    Designation : Associate Professor – Marketing Management & Human Resources.

    • Dr Guru Aradhya S, Associate Professor, ISBR B School, has 14 years of rich experience in Industry and Academia.
    • He Holds PhD from Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Completed MPhil from Vinayaka Mission University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. Completed MBA from ICFAI University also Master of Commerce from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications from NIIT, Bengaluru.
    • He has presented and published more than 50 papers in National and International conferences and journals (SCOPUS, UGC CARE Listed).
    • He has attended many workshops and faculty & management development programs and also acted as resource person in various management institutes.
    • He is a recognised guide from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum and guiding PhD Scholars.
    • He has produced 2 MPhils and 1 PhD
    • He has organized Many National Conferences and International Conferences, also chaired the Technical Sessions in various Management Institutes across India.
    • He is a reviewer of International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research.

    Area of Interest: Retail Management, Customer Behavior Engagement, Brand Management, Human Resources Management, Intelligent, Emotional and Spiritual Quotient, Research Methods.


    Dr. Veena R

    Dr. Veena R

    Director - Healthcare Programs, ISBR Business School

    Dr Veena, a medical and management professional, possesses more than fifteen years of experience both in industry and academics. Over these years, she has assumed the roles of a hospital administrator, public health researcher, healthcare quality consultant, management trainer and faculty for postgraduate management teaching.

    During her short stint in hospital administration, Dr. Veena was responsible for the hospital operations, recruitment and on-job training of the staff, organising and conducting health camps. She was engaged in conducting classes for the management trainees during their hospital postings for the departmental studies.

    Dr. Veena has wide experience in hospital quality accreditations, consultancy studies, public health research, and monitoring and evaluation. She has taken up many assignments of conducting gap analysis and preparing the healthcare organisations to comply with the quality standards to qualify for accreditation. She was actively engaged in manpower planning for a healthcare organization. She has worked in many projects in the area of Reproductive and Child Health, Women Engagement and Empowerment, PPP Evaluation, Child health, Nutrition, Facility assessment, etc. She is trained in Lean- Six Sigma and undergone NABH Assessor Training. She has expertise in teaching various topics in hospital management, like hospital planning, organizing and managing hospital services, hospital accreditation, disaster management and legal issues in hospitals. Her areas of interest include hospital planning, monitoring and evaluation of health projects, quality accreditation, implementation and action research, demographic surveys, statistical analysis and handling of data sets. She has published articles in reputed journals. She is a member of professional bodies and associations.