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ISBR Innovation Council

ISBR Innovation Council

INNOVENTURE - Institution’s Innovation Council

The Ministry of Education, Government of India’s initiative to foster the spirit of innovation in students of HEIs led to ISBR Business School’s Institute Innovation Council, Innoventure. Innoventure has been established with the primary aim of inspiring, promoting and encouraging young minds by supporting their new ideas. IIC, Innoventure at ISBR Business School under the leadership of Dr Richa Bhalla is headed by Dr. Sheetal Mahendher to develop innovation and creativity in the minds of the students by conducting various innovation and entrepreneurship activities. The focus is on identifying and creating innovations and rewarding them. Ideation is only the first step of innovation, however, one cannot have a start-up without doing research. Innoventure helps the students complete the cycle of innovation and has been working on a pre-incubation cell, which would help the young ideators become entrepreneurs. It also focuses on organizing regular workshops/seminars/interactions with the established, and successful entrepreneurs, which would help the students to garner some insights that would aid them in the future.

The student team of IIC-Innoventure comprises of:

President - Jinia Chatterjee

Vice-President – Rohit Rana

Event Head – Adarsh Agrahari

Content Head – Kiran Shaji

Social-Media Head – Vartika Srivastava

Media Head – Swagat Jena

Yukti Head – Pratham Gupta

Outreach head – Ashwin Tirkey

The IIC is responsible for creating a number of seminars, webinars, guest lectures, motivational talks, etc. as per the schedule provided by the Ministry of Innovation Cell.

INNOVENTURE - Institution’s Innovation Council

Major focus of IIC:

  • To create a vibrant local innovation system.
  • To develop start-up supporting mechanisms in HEIs.
  • To prepare Institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework.
  • Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting ideas and Pre-Incubation of ideas.
  • Develop better Cognitive Ability for students excelling in Technology.

Functions of IICs:

  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/seminars/interactions with entrepreneurs, investors and professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organization.
  • Organise hackathons, idea competition, mini challenges with industry involvement.

The events are being organized by IIC Team. The team gets guidance from faculty IIC Ambassadors. Each and every member of this team has been assigned with a task to plan the events and to contact the resource persons who will be invited to the events. The IIC regularly puts on seminars, events, and other activities with the goal of encouraging young people's entrepreneurial ideas. The team is tasked with uploading the entire report to the IIC website by the end of the day following the conclusion of each event. The IIC team organizes two different types of events; one is supplied by MIC in the IIC calendar, which includes the events for four quarters, and the other is self-driven. The forum is open for discussion after each session, and students are welcome to ask any questions they may have both during and after the event.

At ISBR, having both a Sustainability and a Startup Wing may foster innovation from several perspectives. While the Sustainability Wing deals with social and environmental challenges, the Startup Wing focuses on entrepreneurship and tech-driven solutions. This diversity facilitates cross-disciplinary cooperation, promotes problem-solving, broadens networks, and eventually results in creative projects that advance society and the environment.

Start-up Wing -
The Startup Wing at ISBR visualize itself as a dynamic incubator for the next generation of entrepreneurs. With a primary focus on ambitious and idea-driven young individuals, the Wing is committed to guiding them towards a path of leadership and success. Their motto, "Achieving goals with heart and soul," underscores their dedication to instilling unwavering commitment and hard work.

The seeds for this extraordinary Wing were planted in a previous year, and with unwavering focus and effort, they have fostered an organization that offers a stage for aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve their goals. The primary goals of the Wing are to act as a springboard for new concepts and to support these dreamers in making their visions a reality.

The Startup Wing at ISBR hosts a diverse array of startup events that empower and educate young entrepreneurs. By doing so, they seek to create a supportive ecosystem where creativity, innovation, and ambition flourish. This vision is one of empowerment, where young, passionate minds are mentored and groomed to take the lead in the future, driving innovation and transformation in the world of entrepreneurship.

Rural Immersion Programme:
ISBR Business School has also commenced the Rural Immersion Programme in order to foster responsible and compassionate leadership in the students. This flagship programme is self-driven by IIC-Innoventure. The team of IIC-Innoventure, have worked relentlessly to effectuate this programme. Rural Immersion Programme is introduced as a part of the curriculum in the second trimester for the PGDM students. ISBR believes that the future leaders and entrepreneurs of this country must be equipped with good social and political knowledge. It is essential for the students to be aware of the livelihoods of people from all walks of life in order to lead them and this country to prosperity. We aim to make this an unforgettable experience for both the rural residents and the students. The students are required to be completely engaged in the villages in the vicinity of Bengaluru, Karnataka, for three days. The main objective of this programme is to develop a deep understanding of the lives of the people in the villages and look into ways of improving the same. We are also keen on upskilling the women in these villages and making them independent. The education received by the children in these areas is divergent from that of urban areas. We aim to look into ways to bridge those variations. We, at ISBR, believe that this experience would be an unparalleled learning opportunity for the students and would encourage them to be superlative managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

Sustainability Wing:
ISBR's Sustainability Wing leads the way on a revolutionary journey towards sustainability. Its main objective is to encourage sustainable innovation while creating a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility among the ISBR community.

The wing strives to be a source of motivation, knowledge, and empowerment. Students and faculty will be given the knowledge and resources they need to develop original solutions to the sustainability challenges of our time by the sustainability Wing by fostering a culture of sustainable thought and action.

Sustainability Wing is dedicated to integrating sustainability into the fabric of campus life, research pursuits, and entrepreneurial endeavours. Sustainability Wing’s vision goes beyond the classroom. ISBR will come to be known as the epitome of environmentally aware innovation, a space where the spirit of sustainability inspires the creation of solutions that benefit both local and global communities.

The Wing is committed to building a better future for our world and society via collaboration, instruction, and innovation, making sure that ISBR is at the fore of sustainability-driven change.

Research and Consultancy Wing:
The Research and Consultancy wing of ISBR Business School, Bangalore leverages the brightest managerial minds in the country. This wing is an extension of Innoventure, as ISBR business school believes in providing a space where the research mind set of the students shall be nurtured. It provides best-in-class infrastructure to address real- world problems faced by different operations. The team lead for this wing is Ms. Nandini Soni. The team under her have Shruti Bohra, Anmol Jain and Kirubha Gowri S, who have been working in realizing the goals of this wing. The students are trained on how to write research papers using different tools and software which helps them to strengthen the write-ups. In the long run, several Data Analysis workshops are conducted to enhance the skills of students and to enable them to analyse and interpret primary data collected for their research and live projects. Live projects and consultancy projects are included in curriculum which helps students to enrich their understanding and analyse the market effectively. These events spawn across various disciplines, including strategy, finance, company, marketing, operations, supply chain, etc. However, the central theme of the club shall be focused on research paper writing and similar workshops. The trainings are designed to provide a platform to the students to interact with the academia and industry professional and cultivate an understanding of the consulting domain. A large number of quality papers are published in the leading journals indexed under SCOPUS, ABDC, and WOS and also presented in reputed conferences. The Innoventure has several Best Paper Awards won by students and faculty at conferences. ISBR also has its own peer-reviewed journal called "ISBR Journal of Management" which is a bi- annual journal and publishes papers received from scholars and faculty across the globe.

Rural Immersion Programme -
ISBR Business School has also commenced the Rural Immersion Programme in order to foster responsible and compassionate leadership in the students. This flagship programme is self-driven by IIC-Innoventure. The team of IIC-Innoventure, have worked relentlessly to effectuate this programme. Rural Immersion Programme is introduced as a part of the curriculum in the second trimester for the PGDM students. ISBR believes that the future leaders and entrepreneurs of this country must be equipped with good social and political knowledge. It is essential for the students to be aware of the livelihoods of people from all walks of life in order to lead them and this country to prosperity. We aim to make this an unforgettable experience for both the rural residents and the students. The students are required to be completely engaged in the villages in the vicinity of Bengaluru, Karnataka, for three days. The main objective of this programme is to develop a deep understanding of the lives of the people in the villages and look into ways of improving the same. We are also keen on upskilling the women in these villages and making them independent. The education received by the children in these areas is divergent from that of urban areas. We aim to look into ways to bridge those variations. We, at ISBR, believe that this experience would be an unparalleled learning opportunity for the students and would encourage them to be superlative managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.